Welcome to our Expat Interview Series, where we delve into the experiences and stories of individuals who have embarked on the transformative journey of living abroad. Join us as we explore the unique challenges, triumphs, and insights gained from navigating new cultures, languages, and communities. Whether you're considering a move abroad, are already an expat, or are simply curious about the expatriate lifestyle, this series is sure to offer valuable perspectives and inspiration. Today we speak with Marie, who tells us about her relocation experience to Australia.

Hi there! It's so nice to have you here today! Please tell us a bit about yourself and your situation - who did you move with, and what was your experience of moving to Aus like?
Me and my partner moved to Canberra in May 2022 due to him receiving a job offer there. We have since moved to Perth a year later for a further job opportunity. We had already moved internationally twice before from UK > Abu Dhabi > NZ so we had some experience of what it would be like. However, after 12 years on NZ we didn’t appreciate the scale of moving internationally again and how hard everything can be when you have no idea how any of the systems in the country work ie. getting tax numbers, registering cars, healthcare etc.
What made you want to move to Australia and how did you decide to move to (your location)?
It was for a job offer which allowed for a step up / promotion for my partner which provided opportunity which couldn’t be found in NZ.
How would you describe the cost of living in your Australian city compared to your home country?
I find the housing very expensive (we’re currently renting in Perth and rented in Canberra). We have looked to buy but again find the housing very expensive for poor quality and having to pay stamp duty when purchasing is also a big negative compared to what we’d experienced in NZ. However, food is much cheaper in terms of supermarket grocery shopping. Utilities seem comparable to my previous experiences.
How did your family and friends react when you told them of your plans to move to Australia?
Friends in NZ wanted to know why we’d move. Family in the UK were largely the same questioning why but had already experienced us moving previously.
How did you go about finding employment in Australia, and what challenges did you face during your job search? What advice do you have for expats looking to secure a job in Australia?
I searched Seek daily and reached out to recruiters. My partner got his job via Seek. We did face some resistance to know Australian ‘ways’ or systems especially as I work in HR. However, I kept applying and got an opportunity who were more focused on wider experiences and recognised employment law technicalities could be learned. My advice would be to be proactive, state clearly how you’ll address any skills gaps and show you’ve already done some research on the Australian job market / industry you work in.
What are some popular leisure activities and hobbies in Australia that expats might enjoy? Are there any must-visit places or events in your city or region?
In Perth pickleball is popular at our local community hub. However being by the beach so is surfing. I enjoy running and there’s a couple of run groups I’ve found. My partner is playing waterpolo. We’re 5mins from a local pool and gym. Essentially many many activities. There’s great vineyards and amazing beaches to visit, along with some hiking on a few well known local tracks.
How did you go about making friends and connecting with the local community in Australia? Are there any expat groups or resources that were particularly helpful in building a social network?
I have joined some Facebook groups but am yet to say we have a circle of friends. We have met
up with people we knew from Abu Dhabi many years ago.
How would you describe the climate in your Australian location, and how did it impact your daily life? What are some essential items or clothing recommendations for dealing with the weather?
Colder than expected in winter and definitely need winter clothes. Summer was great last year and am expecting Perth to be warmer. Lots of sunscreen in the harsh sun during summer.
Are there any Australian slang words or phrases that newcomers should familiarise themselves with?
Just everything finishing with ‘O’ ie. arvo, servo, bowlo
I haven’t noticed too many other phrases that I wasn’t already aware of. Perhaps swag / tent was new to me and reticulation / sprinkler system.
Are there any things you wished you had known about before moving to Australia?
It’s a lot more bureaucratic that I realised and it’s quite difficult to do what feel like should be simple things. The employment system is extremely complex and restrictive for employers compared to NZ.
What are you enjoying most about living in Australia?
Closer to UK, weather, more choice in everything.
What advice woud you give to someone about to make the move to Australia?
Go for it.
Have some words of wisdom to share? Get in touch to share your experience.